To find the MTK version you need to download at Play Store called CPUZ application.
- Download the files below press right click and dl.
- EXTRACT the file like this below.
- Install drivers check "Driver" folder. better use windows 8 or 7 OS cause when i used windows 10 it didn't succeed and cant detect the phone to pc even i use vcom drivers for win10.
- After that, turn off your phone and remove the battery.
- plug your phone to PC use the back panel usb port.
- Open folder SP_Flash_Tool_exe_Windows_v5.1532.00.000 then click flash_tool.exe and click the Scatter-loading then locate the scater file you can find it at "R08". check the image below.
- then click Download
- if it fails on first try, just try it again.
- you can see Green circle with check and OK if its finish.
- Done. :)